Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Treatment Started

I had to cancel my Girls' Trip to Gatlinburg to start my treatment since I was going to have to be away from the girls for 7 days instead of the 3 that I was first told. So, once again I went to the hospital to take a scary looking pill from a scary looking container. I feel great except for being very thirsty. Which it is good to drink alot to "rinse out" the excess radiation. The good news about all of this is that I can go out in public and passing by people is not dangerous. I'm not dangerous to adults just children and pregnant woman and sleeping beside my husband. So, I think I'm going to go see a movie with Mom. The other good news is that I can visit with the girls on Friday...just not cuddle or stay close to them...just a quick hug and then that's it.
As far as medically, it will take a couple of weeks for me to start feeling better and about 6-8 weeks for it to fully kill my thyroid and take effect. Then I'll start taking a thyroid hormone for life...not so bad I guess. I've been told by friends of work of family and friends that have had the same treatment and live a normal, long life. So, I guess that is not all bad.

1 comment:

  1. I know keeping away from the kiddos will be so hard. :(

    I hope it helps knowing this should be it...I'll keep you in my prayers this week.
