Friday, August 28, 2009

Things are getting better

It's been about 4 weeks since I had my treatment. The good news is my blood levels are coming down. The bad news is they are still considered high. The radiation is still in my system so it should continue to bring my levels down. I have gained about 8 pounds which is good. I think this is a good weight for me but am afraid I'll just keep on gaining. My symptoms subsided for a while but have come back in the last week or so. The doc. wasn't super helpful as I had a hard time understanding him. For now, I'm just going to keep positive and count my blessings. I think that going back to work has stressed me out and is contributing to my symptoms returning. Anyways, that's about all I can tell at this point. Thanks again for all your prayers and good thoughts.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"No longer Glowing"

I'm officially done with my radiation restrictions! It was hard but I'm praying for good health now. Bless Natalie's heart...all she could do is hug me today! She about knocked me over once because I didn't see her coming. Maggie's older now and isn't as snuggly but I got plenty of hugs from her too. We celebrated by going to see a movie...just the 3 of us! Natalie sat in my lap for most of the movie:)

As for how I feel...I feel the same. My symptoms have let up yet (unsettled stomach, irritablity, the shakes) and I've added a new one...tiring easy. The good news is the doc said I'll start to see improvement in the next week or so. Just in time for school to start!

Now it is time to get ready for school and do some final fun things before the girls start school next Tuesday. We are going to Holiday World Thursday and bringing home my cousin Jeff, his wife Michelle, and his 3 children to stay with us for a couple of days. Friday we'll have the entire family here to visit! Saturday night we'll have 10 little girls here dressing up and posing for Maggie's Fashion Birthday and Sunday Mike and the girls will go to his sisters for a swim party while I go to driving school! I guess they'll teach me to slow down...good luck!

To all of you I want to thank you for your good thoughts and prayers. I am truly blessed to be surrounded my such wonderful people. Through you I see God smiling down on me. Thank you!